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All SENDcast Episodes

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My Journey With Behaviour with Catrina Lowri

Catrina Lowri joins us this week to discuss behavior and more specifically Katrina's journey with [...]

Living with Dyscalculia with Peter Cherry and Cat Eadle

In this episode we are discussing Dyscalculia, a condition that affects 6-10% of the population, [...]

Effective Use of Visuals to Aid Communication with Kerry Thalia

In this episode we are discussing emotional regulation resources for SEND. Discussing this with me [...]

Looking and Trusting Inside Rather Than Looking For Solutions Externally with Alison Knowles

In this episode we welcome back Alison Knowles for a discussion about when we stopped [...]

Zones of Regulation with Kim Griffin

In this episode we welcome back Kim Griffin to the show to discuss person-centred approaches, [...]

School Attendance with Suzy Rowland, Fintan O’Regan and Sarah-Jane Critchley

In this, our inaugural video episode, we welcome Fintan O'Regan and Sarah-J back to the [...]

Person-Centred Approaches: Clarity or Confusion? with Angela Scott

In this episode we welcome Angela Scott to the show to discuss person-centred approaches, how [...]

Morphology with Louise Selby

Morphology is an important building block for reading fluency, reading comprehension, and spelling. Joining us [...]

Whole Life Mental Health Meanderings with Dr Helen Ross

A meandering discussion about mental health this week with dyslexia expert and consultant Dr Helen [...]

Working with Parents with Lynn How

In this week's podcast we discuss how to best work with parents with Educational Consultant [...]

Your Senses and Your Mental Health with Joanna Grace

In this episode we discuss your senses and your mental health with Sensory Engagement Specialist [...]

What is an OT? with Kim Griffin

In this episode we are discussing what an OT is, with occupational therapist Kim Griffin.

Parenting foster/adopted children with Alison Knowles

In this episode we are discussing parenting foster/adopted children with emotional therapist and creator of [...]

A Profound Separation with Joanna Grace

In this episode we are discussing autism and should or shouldn’t we be labelling some [...]

The National SEND Picture with Simon Tanner

In this episode we are discussing the national SEND picture, what is going on across [...]

Controller, Friend or Benevolent Dictator with Fintan O’Regan

In this week's podcast we discuss teacher styles for supporting SEN and Behaviour with our [...]

GIRL UNMASKED – Autistic Masking, School and Mental Health with Emily Katy

In this week's podcast we discuss the upcoming book ‘Girl Unmasked: How Uncovering My Autism [...]

Standardised Approach to Exams with Dr Susie Nyman

In this week's podcast we discuss the standardised approach to exams with Curriculum manager for [...]

Strengthening the SENCO-Headteacher Partnership with Lynn How

In this week's podcast we discuss strengthening the SENCO-Headteacher partnership with Educational Consultant Lynn How

Sensory Strategies with Kim Griffin

In this week's show we discuss sensory strategies. With occupational therapist Kim Griffin

How exercise is different for children with SEND and why it matters with Miriam Saffer

In this week's show we discuss how excercise is different for children with SEND and [...]

Supporting PDA with Clare Truman

In this week's podcast we discuss how to support PDA with Freelance Education Consultant Clare [...]

Being Human – a journey to #FlipTheNarrative with Elly Chapple

In this week's podcast we discuss Being Human – a journey to #FlipTheNarrative with founder [...]

R is for Rosie with Joanna Grace

In this week's podcast we discuss the 'R' word and the Channel 4 documentary Rosie [...]

Challenging the Pedagogy of Professional Decline with Rachel Lofthouse

In this week's podcast we discuss challenging the pedagogy of professional decline with Professor of [...]

MAT SEND Leadership with Simon Tanner

In this week's podcast we discuss MAT SEND Leadership with National Director of SEND Simon [...]

Making Gaming More Accessible with Nomi Gallagher

In this week's podcast we discuss how gaming can be made more accessible with Specialist [...]

Conduct Disorder with Fintan O’Regan

A discussion about conduct disorder with Behaviour and SEN Consultant Fintan O'Regan

Arousal and Self-Regulation with Kim Griffin

A discussion about arousal and self regulation with occupational therapist Kim Griffin

Long Term Effects of Lockdown on Neurodivergent Students with Miriam Saffer

A discussion about the long term effects of lockdown on neurodivergent students with inclusion and [...]

The Best of SENDcast 2023

This special episode of The SENDcast is a best of all our episodes from 2023

Multi-sensory Stories with Dr Susie Nyman

Dale is joined by SEND training consultant Dr Susie Nyman to talk about multi-sensory stories.

Dyslexia and Mental Health with Dr Helen Ross

Dale is joined by dyslexia expert and consultant Dr Helen Ross to discuss support, interventions [...]

An Introduction to PDA with Clare Truman

Dale is joined by Clare Truman to give SENDcast listeners an introduction to PDA.

Going to University with Autism or ADHD with Victoria Ellen

Dale is joined by Victoria Ellen to explore the experience of University for students with [...]

Presence in Research with Joanna Grace

Dale is joined by Joanna Grace to talk about Presence in Research.

The Benefits of Audiobooks with Emily Pye

Dale is joined by guest Emily Pye to talk about the benefits audiobooks.

Dual and Multiple Exceptionality with Fintan O’Regan

Dale is joined by Fintan O' Regan this week to discuss Dual and Multiple Exceptionality.

How To Wait Well When Your Child Is On The Diagnostic Pathway for Autism or ADHD with Jodie Warren

Dale and Jodie Warren discuss how to 'Wait Well' when your child is on the [...]

Who Leads on SEND in a School? The SENCO or the Headteacher? with Abigail Gray

Dale is joined by Abigail Gray to discuss who should be leading on SEND in [...]

How to Stop Your Limiting Belief Limiting You with Alison Knowles

Discussing how we put limitations on ourselves and how best to spot this behaviour and [...]

Leading On Behaviour In Schools And Colleges with Adele Bates

Dale and Adele discussing taking the lead on behaviour in schools

ASC and ADHD in Adults with Dale Pickles

Dale Pickles talks about his ASC and ADHD diagnosis.

Turning Differentiation On Its Head with Catrina Lowri

Catrina Lowri discusses differentiation and how we can turn it on its head.

Empathy? What We Need Is Compassion with Amanda Sokell

Amanda Sokell and Dale discuss the importance of empathy.

Being Hijacked By Your Emotions with Alison Knowles

Discussing how we allow our emotions to hijack our decision making.

Executive Function Skills and Neurodiversity Traits with Victoria Bagnall

Discussing Executive Function Skills and Neurodiversity Traits

The Boundaries Between Education and Care with Zara Wright

Zara Wright joins Dale to discuss the boundaries between education and care

Additional Needs Haircut Services with Craig Henderson

Hair cuts for children and young people with additional needs.

How Our Brains Project Our Past with Alison Knowles

Discussing how our brains take our past experiences and project them onto our life.

Engaging Pupils with SEMH and Other Behaviour Needs with Adele Bates

Adele Bates discussed engaging children with SEHM and other behaviour needs.

Reducing Teacher Workload By Supporting Pupils With SEND From The Get-Go with Zoe Mather

Zoe Mather discusses reducing teacher workload with better SEND support.

Effective Advocacy & Why Fighting Doesn’t Work with Jodie Warren

Discussing Effective Advocacy & Why Fighting Doesn’t Work

EHCNA with Amanda Sokell

Amanda Sokell discussed Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA)

Goal Setting with Alison Knowles

Helping young people learn to set goals and follow through on them.

Exercise, Play and Sensory Integration for Disabled Children with Stephanie Wheen

Enhancing Physical Activity, Recreation, and Sensory Integration for Children with Disabilities

Incidental Conversations with Ginny Bootman

When used in a conversional way or in language, incidental talk means to have a [...]

Focus On What They Can Do, Not What They Can’t with Joanne Jones

Dale discusses the importance of focussing on what a child can do above what they [...]

SENCO Workload and Wellbeing with Lynn How

Lynn How tells us about how to look after your wellbeing as a SENCO, making [...]

Tourette’s in the Education System with Lucy Toghill

To continue our theme of Tourette's during Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month, Dale sits down to [...]

Venn Diagrams and Icebergs: How to Negotiate the A to Z of SEND with Fintan O’Regan

There is an A to Z of labels or terms with SEND and there are [...]

Helping Children with PMLD Thrive with Yoga with Jyoti Jo Manuel

For many years the potential for yoga to be helpful for children who have limited [...]

Tourette’s? (Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month – May 15th to June 15th) with Ione Georgakis

Tourette Syndrome Awareness Month is observed every year from May 15 to June 15. The [...]

Teaching Phonics to ALL Learners – What About SLD and PMLD Pupils? with Dr Sarah Moseley

This week Dale is joined on the podcast by Dr Sarah Moseley to discuss the [...]

LEGO® Play – Social and Emotional Wellbeing with Dr Gina Gómez de la Cuesta

Dr Gina Gómez de la Cuesta talks to Dale about how to use LEGO to [...]

The Labelling Lurgy with Abigail Hawkins

This week we are discussing the labelling lurgy, the need to label everything with Abigail [...]

Myth Busting the Magic of Sensory Rooms with Joanna Grace

Multisensory rooms have become increasingly popular. They typically occupy considerable space, require substantial financial investment, [...]

Black and Autistic or Neurodivergent with Suzy Rowland, Keisha Swaby and Lauren Fernandez

Did you know that children from ethnic minority groups are excluded at a rate that’s [...]

How To Help Pupils Understand and Express How They Feel with Sue White

Children are needing more support than ever with their language skills. The Education Endowment Foundation [...]

We Need To Talk About Excel with Ginny Bootman

Do you love Excel or avoid it? If conditional formatting, VLOOKUP, freezing panes, formulas and [...]

The What and Why of Compassionate Co-Regulation with Jyoti Jo Manuel

Have you heard of compassionate co-regulation? It means that when we calm and regulate ourselves [...]

Mental Health and Behaviour: Nature or Nurture? Risk and Resilience with Fintan O’Regan

The nature vs nurture debate in mental health and behaviour refers to the extent to [...]

Dyspraxia and Handwriting with Kim Griffin

We live in a digital age, so where do we see or use joined up [...]

*Special episode* Discussing the SEND and AP Improvement Plan

Last Summer we were all asked for our input as part of the SEND Review [...]

Becoming a SENCO – Where to Start? with Lynn How

Becoming a SENCO can be extremely daunting, some people don’t know what they’re letting themselves [...]

Cuddly Cardigans, Strategic Suits and Why SENCOs Don’t Fit Into Either! with Abigail Hawkins

Are you a SENCO struggling to be strategic? Facing burnout? You are not alone!

Identity First Language and Belonging With Joanna Grace

The considered use of language is often mocked as political correctness gone mad.

Using Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction with SEND pupils with Dr Susie Nyman

Are you familiar with Rosenshine’s 10 principles of instruction? Rosenshine’s principles are based on evidence-informed [...]

Girls on the Spectrum – Autism and Puberty with Victoria Ellen

Puberty is a topic that is rarely discussed and when taught at school the feelings [...]

Supporting Autism in Schools with Yoga with Jyoti Jo Manuel

Schools are notoriously difficult environments for children with autism to function in, let alone thrive in.

How Schools Can Build Positive Well-being Among Students with Sue White

95% of schools have seen an increase in pupil anxiety, which makes anxiety and mental [...]

Should Everyone Learn To Sign? Moving Away From An Interpreter Model with Sarah Billingham

Needing to use sign language can be very isolating for a child and they are [...]

I Can’t Go To School with Suzy Rowland

We’re starting the year off with this first episode ‘I can’t go to school’ with [...]

What Are Outcomes and Why Do They Matter? with Abigail Hawkins

In this last episode of 2022, Abigail Hawkins joins Dale to discuss ‘What are outcomes [...]

SEND Christmas Crackers with Dr Susie Nyman

As the SENDcast is now released 52 weeks a year, this is our very first [...]

Medication for Supporting Children with ADHD: Chemical Cosh or Reset Button with Fintan O’Regan

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental difference with the key traits of Hyperactivity, Impulsivity and Inattention.

Sensory Communication With Joanna Grace

When people are ‘triggered’ they often enter what’s known as fight or flight, their ability to [...]

Boost Reading and Writing Through Play with Georgina Durrant

Reading and writing are areas that many teachers and parents are concerned that children need [...]

Creating an Inclusive Reading Curriculum For All Learners with Dr Sarah Moseley

Reading is high on the educational agenda due to the impact that it can have [...]

Dyspraxia – More Than Just Clumsiness with Kim Griffin

Dyspraxia or Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) is often thought of as clumsiness, but it is [...]

Using Visuals to Support Transition with Sarah Billingham

Whenever there’s a big change on the horizon, whether it’s moving from nursery to primary [...]

What Yoga, Why Yoga? With Jyoti Jo Manuel

Yoga has many connotations, but is actually a philosophy, a way of living. Yoga is a [...]

Surviving Christmas with Sarah-Jane Critchley

With 8 weeks to go and preparations underway for Christmas, now’s the time to highlight [...]

SEN Register with Abigail Hawkins

There are various opinions on ways to use the SEN Register and differs from one [...]

Why Boredom is Truly Interesting and Absolutely Vital with Fintan O’Regan

Yawning, daydreaming, complaining, fidgeting, distracting others – we’ve all been there at some point, so [...]

As an autistic adult, what would you change in schools? With Joanna Grace

Autism support is given to half the people who need it, and nearly all of [...]

Teaching Students from the Inside Out with Dr Susie Nyman

Have you ever heard the game ‘Operation’ played live on a podcast? Well, this week [...]

High Quality Teaching for SEND with Gary Aubin

SENDCOs are excellently placed to improve teaching and learning in schools.

Choosing a School with Sarah Billingham

School applications are fast approaching so here’s a podcast to help parents and carers choose [...]

Trauma with Alison Knowles

The impact a traumatic event has on a person can be significant and lifelong.

Lets Use Technology with Students with Arran Smith

Welcome back, hope you had a great Summer and now ready for everything this term [...]

Eating and the Senses with Joanna Grace

We are ending the school year with Joanna Grace who joins Dale to discuss Eating [...]

Making Mindfulness Fun with Katie White

Anxiety levels have increased and learning practical solutions for decreasing anxiety results in happier, healthier [...]

Helping Children to Listen with Sarah Billingham

Listening is a fundamental skill to be able to develop language and to access learning [...]

Reading, Phonics and the Dyslexic Profile with Charlie Pitt Miller

Phonics have been around for years and are successful, BUT they don’t work for all [...]

Sensory Development and Sensory Engagement with Joanna Grace

Our senses are fascinating. A particularly interesting area to explore is the development of the [...]

What drives our youngsters to self-harm with Alison Knowles

Trigger warning – this podcast discusses self-harm which is a difficult subject, but has never [...]

Paperless SENCO with Ginny Bootman

Are you one of those making their annual pilgrimage to WHSmith to choose your new [...]

Physical Aspects of Autism with Rachel Jackson

Whilst there is significant research and discussion around the psychological and behavioural aspects of autism, [...]

Evidence Based Decision Making with Gary Aubin

Gary joins Dale in this episode to discuss the importance of using an evidence-based approach [...]

Pupil Voice and Choice Making with Sarah-Jane Critchley

As a society, we need to create young people who are able to make choices [...]

*Special episode* Response to the SEND Review with Lorraine Petersen OBE

Last week Lorraine Petersen OBE joined Dale in the studio to deliver a presentation on [...]

How Laughter and Playfulness can be used to help reduce Anxiety with Katie White

When it comes to mental health we often feel like we need the support of [...]

Homework – Risk and Return with Fintan O’Regan

Research shows that it takes 3 times as long for a student with ADHD to [...]

SLCN – Implementation and making the best use of Resources with Wendy Lee

7.6% of all children have got developmental language disorder, that's two or three in every [...]

Sensory Stories with Joanna Grace

Do you remember many of your lessons at school? If you do, they’re likely to [...]

Finding your Tribe with Alison Knowles

This week's episode ‘Finding your Tribe’ with Alison Knowles, is a discussion about how important [...]

What on Earth is PDA? With Rachel Jackson

Does resisting ordinary day-to-day demands, such as putting shoes on, sound familiar?

Inclusive Learner Cocktails with Dr Susie Nyman

Have you ever had a Sparkling Suzie, Freddie Thorne or Danny Whizzbang in your classroom?

Happy Birthday, We are 2! Let’s look back over the last 2 years.

Little did we know when launching the SENDcast 2 years ago, that the world as [...]

What Makes a Great Teacher of SEN with Fintan O’Regan

The SEND code of practice says every teacher is a teacher of SEN, but what [...]

Language for Learning with Wendy Lee

Spoken language is core to learning and has a significant impact on children who find [...]

My Mummy is Autistic with Joanna Grace

Everyone will meet an autistic person in their lives, and autistic people are in every [...]

How is the pandemic affecting young people’s mental health? with Alison Knowles

It’s Children’s Mental Health week, so today I’m discussing how the pandemic has affected young [...]

Bullies, Victims and Bystanders with Fintan O’Regan

Children with SEND are 2 to 3 times more likely to be bullied. Bullying unfortunately [...]

Talking to parents about SEND with Sarah-Jane Critchley

Talking to parents about SEND, especially those first conversations can be extremely daunting.

Listening to pupils with SEN with Wendy Lee

Listening to and valuing children’s views has implications for their confidence and attitude to learning.

Student Icebergs with Dr Susie Nyman

Have you ever thought your students are like icebergs? If not then you will after [...]

What Makes a Great INSET with Fintan O’Regan

Did your last INSET day have a positive impact? Often school INSET can be a [...]

The Use of Mindfulness to Support Emotional Literacy with Dr Trisha Waters

The practise of mindfulness has become increasingly popular over the last few years.

Lessons from Lockdown with Wendy Lee

The lockdowns imposed during the pandemic have presented immense challenges for all, especially teachers.

Do You Need to be an Expert in Every Area of SEND? with Clare Ward and Dr Jamie Galpin

Over the next few years, over 25% of the school population is projected to be [...]

Supporting Pupils with Autism to Self-Regulate with Tessa Morton

A classroom can be a terrifying place for a child with autism. Their anxiety may [...]

Story Metaphor and Its Use in Supporting Emotional Literacy with Dr Trisha Waters

We enjoy listening to and telling stories, they often reflect our own experiences or emotions and we [...]

He Doesn’t Do That at School with Ginny Bootman

There is often a huge divide between how a child with additional needs presents themselves [...]

Desperately Seeking Certainty with Clare Ward and Dr Jamie Galpin

Did you know that our brain is actually a kind of prediction making machine?

Neurodiversity in Schools: A Whole School Approach with Fintan O’Regan

Neurodiversity is a term which describes conditions such as Dyslexia, Autism and ADHD as variations [...]

Songwriting with Children with Al Start

Children enjoy writing stories and poems, but have you thought about songwriting?

Story Links with Dr Trisha Waters

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Dr Trisha Waters.

Connecting and Communicating with students with autism with Tessa Morton

If a child with autism can’t understand and connect with their care giver it will [...]

Communication – That’s the Aim of the Game with Ginny Bootman

Joining Dale today is Ginny Bootman. Ginny is currently a SENCO of 2 Primary schools, [...]

What is Grief? with Alison Knowles

Children experience many forms of grief such as parent separation, losing a toy, a pet [...]

Science Literacy Toolkit with Dr Susie Nyman

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles is joined by Dr Susie Nyman who talks us [...]

Inclusion Matters – Signing – Why Bother? With Al Start

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Al Start.

Every School leader is a leader of SEND with Fintan O’Regan

In this week’s show Dale and Fintan O’Regan are discussing how every school leader is a [...]

Therapeutic Story Writing with Dr Trisha Waters

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Dr Trisha Waters. [...]

Using Topic Based Songs with Al Start

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Al Start.

The Importance of Learning Through Play with Georgina Durrant

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Georgina Durrant to [...]

Empowering Mental Health for students with SEND with Dr Susie Nyman

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Dr Susie Nyman [...]

Follow The Empathy Road with Ginny Bootman

Joining Dale today is Ginny Bootman. Ginny is currently a SENCO of 2 Primary schools, [...]

Changing the Ds in ADHD with Fintan O’Regan

In this week’s show we are discussing ADHD, how people see it, and whether it is [...]

Transition to the next phase of education for children and young people with SEND with Lorraine Petersen

Joining Dale today is Lorraine Petersen, looking at the different transition points and how we [...]

Self Preservation as a parent of a child with SEND with Alison Knowles

This week, Dale is joined by Alison Knowles. Alison is an emotional therapist who supports [...]

Tips for singing with children – using music inclusively across the curriculum with Al Start

This week Dale is joined by Al Start to discuss some helpful tips to help [...]

SENCO Survival Guide at this challenging time with Lorraine Petersen

Joining Dale today is Lorraine Petersen. Lorraine is an educational consultant with 25 years experience [...]

You don’t need to wait for diagnosis to make a difference for children with SEND with Fintan O’Regan

Every week on the SENDcast, Dale is joined by different guest  to talk about a [...]

Working With Foster and Adoption Children with Alison Knowles

The SENDcast is a podcast we started in 2020, to help improve knowledge around SEND.

Supporting children with emotionally based school phobia/avoidance

On this week’s podcast we will be discussing how to support children with emotionally based [...]

What is Anxiety? with Alison Knowles

In this episode we are revisiting anxiety and simply asking the question what is anxiety? [...]

Supporting NQTs with SEND with Natalie Packer

In this episode Dale is joined by Natalie Packer to talk about how to support [...]

Supporting mental health in Primary Aged children with Lana Grant

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Lana Grant to [...]

Self-harm – Understanding and Supporting our CYP with Tina Rae

On this week’s show Dale welcomes back Dr. Tina Rae. Tina is a consultant psychologist [...]

Neurodiversity – Innovation or Compliance with Fintan O’Regan

This week’s show is all about neurodiversity. What does it mean, is it a positive [...]

Role of the Governing Board in relation to SEND with Kate Browning

In this episode we are talking about the role of the Governing Board in relation [...]

You Create Your Reality with Alison Knowles

In this episode Dale is joined by Alison Knowles to discuss breaking down limiting beliefs [...]

Ensuring Access to High Quality Teaching with Natalie Packer

This week’s podcast is discussing High Quality Teaching and how to ensure all children have [...]

Autism: Different Presentations with Lana Grant

Joining Dale today is Lana Grant. Lana has a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome and is [...]

Building Resilience in the Early Years with Tina Rae

On this week’s podcast Dale will be discussing building resilience in the early years with [...]

Broad & Balanced Curriculum with Carol Allen & John Galloway

This week Dale is joined by Carol Allen & John Galloway to discuss the pro's [...]

SENCO Time Management with Kate Browning

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Kate Browning to [...]

Why We Are the Way We Are with Alison Knowles

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Alison Knowles to [...]

The Curious Case of ADHD with Fintan O’Regan

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Fintan O'Regan to [...]

How to Become a Dyslexic Grade Riser with Dr Susie Nyman

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Dr Susie Nyman [...]

Understanding and Managing Anxiety in Children and Young People with Dr. Tina Rae

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Dr Tina Rae [...]

Managing SENCO Workload with Natalie Packer

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Natalie Packer to [...]

How do we identify SEND? with Kate Browning

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Kate Browning to [...]

New Breed of Therapist with Alison Knowles

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Alison Knowles to [...]

Autism and Coronavirus with Lana Grant

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Lana Grant to [...]

The Team, the Technology and the Teaching with Carol Allen & John Galloway

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Carol Allen and [...]

Dealing with Grief Podcast with Sarah-Jane Critchley

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Sarah Jane Critchley [...]

Multi-sensory Teaching Strategies with Dr Susie Nyman

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Dr Susie Nyman [...]

Developing a Whole School Approach to SEND with Natalie Packer

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Natalie Packer to [...]

Time for a New Curriculum with Lana Grant

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Lana Grant to [...]

Good Mental Health and the Power of Mood with Fintan O’Regan

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Fintan O'Regan to [...]

Healing the trauma of COVID 19 – The Recovery Curriculum for all pupils – Part 2

This is part 2 of our discussion of the recovery curriculum with Sarah Jane Critchley. [...]

Healing the trauma of COVID 19 – The Recovery Curriculum for all pupils – Part 1

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Sarah Jane Critchley [...]

Going Back to School in the New Normal with Fintan O’Regan

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Fintan O'Regan to [...]

Speech and Language in Children with Down Syndrome with Angharad Welch

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch to [...]

CPD For Inclusion with Carol Allen & John Galloway

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Carol Allen and [...]

Introduction to AAC

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch who [...]

Communication Friendly Environments

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch to [...]

Low Cost, No Cost Technology Ideas

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Carol Allen and [...]

Effective Use of Questions to Extend Verbal Reasoning

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch to [...]

Supporting Transition from Primary to Secondary School for students with SEND

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Lorraine Petersen OBE [...]

School Refusal, School Phobia, and Illness

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Sarah Jane Critchley [...]

The Language and Literacy Link

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Wendy Lee to [...]

Exclusions – Reasonable response or hard-wired inequality? Podcast with Sarah-Jane Critchley

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Sarah Jane Critchley [...]

Supporting Anxiety and Trauma

In this episode our guest is Lorraine Petersen OBE, who has over 25 years experience [...]

Supporting Children With Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) in Mainstream Schools

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Wendy Lee to [...]

Autism in Girls Podcast with Sarah-Jane Critchley

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Sarah Jane Critchley [...]

SEN Support in Mainstream Classrooms

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Lorraine Petersen OBE [...]

Supporting Speech and Language in the Early Years Podcast with Wendy Lee

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Wendy Lee to [...]

Supporting Dyslexia in Schools Podcast with Arran Smith

In this week's podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Arran Smith to [...]

BONUS : Corona – Supporting Someone with Anxiety – Part 02

This is part 2 of our third Corona BONUS episode looking at Anxiety within the [...]

BONUS : Corona – Supporting Someone with Anxiety – Part 01

In this, our third Corona BONUS episode looking at Anxiety within the context of the [...]

BONUS: Corona – Life at Home – Supporting Children with Special Needs Podcast with Jane Friswell

In this, our second Corona BONUS episode Dale Pickles, Managing Director of B Squared is [...]

Developmental Language Disorder Podcast with Wendy Lee

This week's podcast is looking at Developmental Language Disorder or DLD, what it is, why [...]

BONUS: Corona and pupils with SEND Podcast with Lorraine Petersen

This is a BONUS episode with host Dale Pickles being joined by Lorraine Petersen OBE [...]

Sensory Issues and their Impact on School Life Podcast with Sarah-Jane Critchley

This week's podcast is looking at sensory issues and their impact on school life. Our [...]

Life with Dyslexia Podcast with Arran Smith

This week's podcast is a conversation with Arran Smith about his life with dyslexia.