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SENDcast Sessions
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Annual Subscription
Autumn Bundle: £25 for 3 SENDcast Sessions
Training Sessions
Metacognition and SpLD: learning how to learn
Supporting dyslexic pupils in the classroom
Supporting neurodivergent students with mental health
Supporting autistic pupils in the classroom
Building an effective school wide SEND provision
A step-by-step guide to Adaptive Teaching
3 for £25
£6000 SEND Notional Budget: How does it work?
Autism & Girls – what to look for and how to support them
Meeting needs through Adaptive Teaching in the mainstream classroom
Having broad impact as a SENDCO
ADHD: Unleashing every student’s potential
What are the key pillars of effective MAT SEND leadership?
FREE SEND Briefings
FREE SEND Briefing: The Current SEND Landscape
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