Category Archives: Kim Griffin

Zones of Regulation with Kim Griffin

In this episode we welcome back Kim Griffin to the show to discuss person-centred approaches, [...]

What is an OT? with Kim Griffin

In this episode we are discussing what an OT is, with occupational therapist Kim Griffin.

Sensory Strategies with Kim Griffin

In this week's show we discuss sensory strategies. With occupational therapist Kim Griffin

Arousal and Self-Regulation with Kim Griffin

A discussion about arousal and self regulation with occupational therapist Kim Griffin

Dyspraxia and Handwriting with Kim Griffin

We live in a digital age, so where do we see or use joined up [...]

Dyspraxia – More Than Just Clumsiness with Kim Griffin

Dyspraxia or Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD) is often thought of as clumsiness, but it is [...]