Tag Archives: Language
Identifying Language Needs in Primary Through Screening with Angharad Welch
Schools often buy tools to support them in identifying and them supporting SLCN, but they [...]
Identity First Language and Belonging With Joanna Grace
The considered use of language is often mocked as political correctness gone mad.
Language for Learning with Wendy Lee
Spoken language is core to learning and has a significant impact on children who find [...]
Lessons from Lockdown with Wendy Lee
The lockdowns imposed during the pandemic have presented immense challenges for all, especially teachers.
The Language and Literacy Link
In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Wendy Lee to [...]
Supporting Speech and Language in the Early Years Podcast with Wendy Lee
In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Wendy Lee to [...]
Developmental Language Disorder Podcast with Wendy Lee
This week's podcast is looking at Developmental Language Disorder or DLD, what it is, why [...]