Tag Archives: Communication

Effective Use of Visuals to Aid Communication with Kerry Thalia

In this episode we are discussing emotional regulation resources for SEND. Discussing this with me [...]

Zones of Regulation with Kim Griffin

In this episode we welcome back Kim Griffin to the show to discuss person-centred approaches, [...]

Incidental Conversations with Ginny Bootman

When used in a conversional way or in language, incidental talk means to have a [...]

How To Help Pupils Understand and Express How They Feel with Sue White

Children are needing more support than ever with their language skills. The Education Endowment Foundation [...]

Dyspraxia and Handwriting with Kim Griffin

We live in a digital age, so where do we see or use joined up [...]

Identity First Language and Belonging With Joanna Grace

The considered use of language is often mocked as political correctness gone mad.

How Schools Can Build Positive Well-being Among Students with Sue White

95% of schools have seen an increase in pupil anxiety, which makes anxiety and mental [...]

Should Everyone Learn To Sign? Moving Away From An Interpreter Model with Sarah Billingham

Needing to use sign language can be very isolating for a child and they are [...]

Sensory Communication With Joanna Grace

When people are ‘triggered’ they often enter what’s known as fight or flight, their ability to [...]

Helping Children to Listen with Sarah Billingham

Listening is a fundamental skill to be able to develop language and to access learning [...]

Talking to parents about SEND with Sarah-Jane Critchley

Talking to parents about SEND, especially those first conversations can be extremely daunting.

Listening to pupils with SEN with Wendy Lee

Listening to and valuing children’s views has implications for their confidence and attitude to learning.

Lessons from Lockdown with Wendy Lee

The lockdowns imposed during the pandemic have presented immense challenges for all, especially teachers.

He Doesn’t Do That at School with Ginny Bootman

There is often a huge divide between how a child with additional needs presents themselves [...]

Songwriting with Children with Al Start

Children enjoy writing stories and poems, but have you thought about songwriting?

Connecting and Communicating with students with autism with Tessa Morton

If a child with autism can’t understand and connect with their care giver it will [...]

Communication – That’s the Aim of the Game with Ginny Bootman

Joining Dale today is Ginny Bootman. Ginny is currently a SENCO of 2 Primary schools, [...]

Speech and Language in Children with Down Syndrome with Angharad Welch

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch to [...]

Introduction to AAC

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch who [...]

Communication Friendly Environments

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch to [...]

Low Cost, No Cost Technology Ideas

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Carol Allen and [...]

Effective Use of Questions to Extend Verbal Reasoning

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Angharad Welch to [...]

Supporting Children With Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) in Mainstream Schools

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Wendy Lee to [...]

Supporting Speech and Language in the Early Years Podcast with Wendy Lee

In this week’s podcast Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Wendy Lee to [...]