Sensory Development and Sensory Engagement with Joanna Grace

Our senses are fascinating. A particularly interesting area to explore is the development of the sensory systems and how this effects cognition, engagement and mental health.

Today, Joanna Grace joins Dale for our 100th episode to discuss Sensory Development and Sensory Engagement. Having an understanding of sensory development can help you to connect with those who have profound disabilities. It can be another tool in the tool kit of a sensory detective, working out why a particular sensation bothers some but not others.

Listen to hear the impact sensory stimulation has on development and the difference in sensory experiences for neurodiverse and neurotypical people. This insightful podcast gives you a useful lens through which to view classroom design. 

Useful Links

A message from Joanna
Aside from the obvious, my son’s book My Mummy is Autistic, I have a FREE training series on YouTube aimed at mainstream SENCOs (but it has been accessed far more widely than that) that explores issues that crop up in schools around autistic students. 

My facebook is a resource for insight into neurodivergence, with the photo albums acting as resource banks:  people are welcome to connect with me. My LinkedIn profile also has many free to access articles that I have written on the topic of neurodiversity.

Joanna Grace

About Joanna Grace

Joanna Grace is a sensory engagement and inclusion specialist, doctoral researcher, author, trainer, TEDx speaker and Founder of The Sensory Projects.  

Joanna has worked with people with learning disabilities and neurodivergent conditions aged from 0-100 (well 1 day old – 87 years old to be precise) in a range of settings and contexts. 

Through all she does, Joanna is seeking to contribute to a future where people are understood in spite of their differences. 

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