Tag Archives: whole school

Zones of Regulation with Kim Griffin

In this episode we welcome back Kim Griffin to the show to discuss person-centred approaches, [...]

School Attendance with Suzy Rowland, Fintan O’Regan and Sarah-Jane Critchley

In this, our inaugural video episode, we welcome Fintan O'Regan and Sarah-J back to the [...]

MAT SEND Leadership with Simon Tanner

In this week's podcast we discuss MAT SEND Leadership with National Director of SEND Simon [...]

Who Leads on SEND in a School? The SENCO or the Headteacher? with Abigail Gray

Dale is joined by Abigail Gray to discuss who should be leading on SEND in [...]

Incidental Conversations with Ginny Bootman

When used in a conversional way or in language, incidental talk means to have a [...]

Myth Busting the Magic of Sensory Rooms with Joanna Grace

Multisensory rooms have become increasingly popular. They typically occupy considerable space, require substantial financial investment, [...]

Becoming a SENCO – Where to Start? with Lynn How

Becoming a SENCO can be extremely daunting, some people don’t know what they’re letting themselves [...]

Identity First Language and Belonging With Joanna Grace

The considered use of language is often mocked as political correctness gone mad.

Should Everyone Learn To Sign? Moving Away From An Interpreter Model with Sarah Billingham

Needing to use sign language can be very isolating for a child and they are [...]

Happy Birthday, We are 2! Let’s look back over the last 2 years.

Little did we know when launching the SENDcast 2 years ago, that the world as [...]

Bullies, Victims and Bystanders with Fintan O’Regan

Children with SEND are 2 to 3 times more likely to be bullied. Bullying unfortunately [...]

Neurodiversity in Schools: A Whole School Approach with Fintan O’Regan

Neurodiversity is a term which describes conditions such as Dyslexia, Autism and ADHD as variations [...]

Every School leader is a leader of SEND with Fintan O’Regan

In this week’s show Dale and Fintan O’Regan are discussing how every school leader is a [...]

Supporting NQTs with SEND with Natalie Packer

In this episode Dale is joined by Natalie Packer to talk about how to support [...]

Ensuring Access to High Quality Teaching with Natalie Packer

This week’s podcast is discussing High Quality Teaching and how to ensure all children have [...]

Broad & Balanced Curriculum with Carol Allen & John Galloway

This week Dale is joined by Carol Allen & John Galloway to discuss the pro's [...]

SENCO Time Management with Kate Browning

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Kate Browning to [...]

Managing SENCO Workload with Natalie Packer

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Natalie Packer to [...]

How do we identify SEND? with Kate Browning

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Kate Browning to [...]

Developing a Whole School Approach to SEND with Natalie Packer

In this week’s podcast, Dale Pickles from B Squared is joined by Natalie Packer to [...]