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Training Sessions
A step-by-step guide to Adaptive Teaching
FREE SEND Briefings
FREE SEND Briefing: What will the new Government mean for SEND?
3 for £25
What are the key pillars of effective MAT SEND leadership?
Ensuring effective provision mapping within your setting
FREE SEND Briefing: The Current SEND Landscape
Creating a Neuroinclusive school
£6000 SEND Notional Budget: How does it work?
Dyslexia Sessions
SENCO Sessions
Why schools need to focus on speaking and understanding skills to effectively support SEMH
SENCO workload – a focus on thriving in the role
Whole school dyslexia strategy
A nurturing environment: in and beyond the classroom
Using the Graduated Approach to identify needs and remove barriers to learning
Distributed leadership for SEND: seeking a strategic approach
School exclusion and SEND: identifying; mitigating and preventing
Quality First Teaching: the role of all teaching staff
Study skills for learners with Additional Learning Needs
Developing a nurture provision to support SEND pupils in the mainstream
The role of the SENCO in supporting High Quality Teaching
Inclusive High Quality Teaching within a whole school graduated approach to SEN support
The Building Belonging approach to school improvement and emotional wellbeing
Building resilience in children and staff teams
Building Capacity: supporting the work of teaching and learning assistants
Early intervention – making it work
Managing funding for SEN – using effective practice to your advantage
Roles and responsibilities for managing SEND in schools
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