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3 for £25
Success with sensory supports at school
Developing emotional literacy and self-regulation skills for children with SLCN
Supporting attention and listening skills for children in school
When SEMH is not the whole story – how to avoid over identification
Supporting SEMH Students: boundaries between care and educational provision
SEND Friendly Classroom Sessions
SLCN Sessions
Why schools need to focus on speaking and understanding skills to effectively support SEMH
How to connect and communicate with your emotions
Understanding SEMH and wellbeing of children and young people
Positive experiences and approaches with autistic girls in school and community group settings
Neurodiversity ‘traits’ – challenges and opportunities
Masking: what are we missing?
Inclusive High Quality Teaching within a whole school graduated approach to SEN support
The Building Belonging approach to school improvement and emotional wellbeing
Supporting pupils’ SEMH with Therapeutic Storywriting
Supporting mental health and well-being in your classroom
Developing a whole school approach to supporting positive mental health
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