Meeting needs through Adaptive Teaching in the mainstream classroom
National SEND Lead for Star Academies, Liz Murray discusses how Adaptive Teaching can help to improve engagement, motivation, and learning outcomes. She explains the principles of an inclusive culture and how to embed systems and structures that develop inclusive classrooms. As well as showing you what practical adaptions in the classroom look like.
There are more pupils with SEND in mainstream classrooms than ever before.
This session focuses on the importance of Adaptive Teaching to support all pupils and ensure progress.
This session was originally presented under our previous brand Training for Education
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Key takeaways
– Understand the principles of an inclusive culture –
– Know how to embed systems & structures to develop inclusive classrooms –
– Appreciate what practical adaptation in the classroom looks like –
Who is the session aimed at?
Advice and guidance for staff supporting students with SEND.
This session is primarily aimed at SENDCOs and Senior Leaders.
Liz received great feedback from SENDCOs who watched her LIVE broadcast
About the Creator
Liz Murray / National Lead for SEND, Star Academies
Liz Murray is the national SEND Lead for Star Academies, a large multi-academy trust comprised of 32 primary and secondary schools. She is responsible for leading the SEND strategy and supporting SEND school improvement across all Star schools. Liz is committed to supporting leaders and teachers to reduce barriers to learning for all pupils to enable them to thrive.
Liz has worked in schools for over 20 years; she originally trained as a secondary English teacher and has since held pastoral, curriculum and SEND leadership roles in all-through schools in both the state and independent sectors. She contributes to the SEND agenda nationally as part of DfE expert advisory groups, speaking at national conferences and contributing articles to educational publications.
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A great way for schools to access high quality CPD from SEND experts brought to you by The SENDcast. With some of the same great guests featured on our weekly podcast, delivering focused 1-hour online training sessions on a wide range of SEND topics. SENDcast Sessions provide schools with in depth content that can be accessed forever. Build a library of online CPD that your school can continue to use in the future – with over 90 training sessions already available on our website!
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The SENDcast is powered by B Squared. We have been involved with Special Educational Needs for over 25 years, helping show the small steps of progress pupils with SEND make. B Squared has worked with thousands of schools, we understand the challenges professionals working in SEND face. We wanted a way to support these hardworking professionals – which is why we launched The SENDcast! Click the button below to find out more about how B Squared can help improve assessment for pupils with SEND in your school.
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