The importance of assessing speech and language
Nationally, children with additional Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) are under identified.
Early and accurate identification is key not only to support their communication, but also their wider learning and wellbeing.
Wendy Lee’s training session explores the challenges and solutions of identifying and assessing children with SLCN. She provides a range of practical strategies and explores why this is so important for longer term outcomes.
buy now - it's just £10 to access wendy's sessionThis session was originally presented under our previous brand Training for Education
Your £10 purchase gives unlimited access to Wendy’s training session for your whole school
Key takeaways
– Understand why it is so important to identify SLCN –
– Understand prevalence of needs, what to expect and what to look out for –
– Understand how school data can help to identify needs –
– Have some useful strategies to identify and assess children –
– Explore how to make effective referrals to speech and language therapy services –
Who is the session aimed at?
This training session will help you to identify needs and improve support for pupils with SLCN in your school.
It’s particularly aimed at SENCOs, Class Teachers and Support Staff.
Wendy received great feedback from SENCOs and others who watched her LIVE broadcast
“Lots of great ideas, many thanks. The link to really useful resources was so helpful. Finding resources to identify speech, language and communication needs and ways to help and support children move forward was really useful.”
Ginny Bootman, SENCO – Evolve Church of England Academy Trust
“WOW! Wendy is so knowledgeable. What a fantastic session. So informative and thought provoking. So inspiring – so many ideas to take into practice in assessing S&L issues and proving support. The Q&A was so thoughtful and well facilitated as well! Thank you.“
Diane Fox, Neurodevelopmental Practitioner – Telehealth Autism/ADHD and Mental Health Diagnostics
Wendy is a highly experienced speech and language therapist who makes a real difference for children with SLCN. Here’s some great feedback from schools she has worked with.
About the Creator
Wendy Lee / Consultant Speech and Language Therapist, LINGO
Wendy Lee is the Director of LINGO, providing consultancy, professional development and resources to help improve children’s speech and language skills. LINGO also has a growing team of speech and language therapists, providing direct support to schools and families of children with SLCN (Speech, Language and Communication Needs). Wendy believes strongly in evidence-based practice. She is part of the Oracy Cambridge management group and sits on a number of research advisory groups, as well as being involved in a current research project. Wendy works with academy trusts, schools and settings and in partnership with local and national organisations supporting speech, language and communication.
Wendy has been a speech and language therapist for over 30 years, working in clinical practice, higher education and the third sector. She was Professional Director at The Communication Trust until 2015, where she authored Trust resources and led on strategic projects, as well as inputting on national policy and research. Find out more about Wendy Lee.
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A great way for schools to access high quality CPD from SEND experts brought to you by The SENDcast. With some of the same great guests featured on our weekly podcast, delivering focused 1-hour online training sessions on a wide range of SEND topics. SENDcast Sessions provide schools with in depth content that can be accessed forever. Build a library of online CPD that your school can continue to use in the future – with over 90 training sessions already available on our website!
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