SENDcast Spotlight – Welcome Amanda Sokell

Our new special guest, Amanda Sokell, joins Dale for her first episode at The SENDcast. Find out more about Amanda….

Amanda Sokell, Advocate and Neurodiversity Trainer 

Navigating Neurodiversity 

Amanda works with caregivers of neurodiverse children and the schools that support them as they navigate the complex world of school support. 
Amanda knows first-hand how isolating it can be to discover that your child isn’t like everybody else’s.  

When her son started refusing to go to school, she found myself struggling to get his needs understood and supported.  Despite holding his own academically, her son was struggling with high levels of anxiety, which were having a dramatic impact on his attitude to school and behaviour at home. 

It can be really challenging to navigate the available support. Amanda used online resources to equip herself with a knowledge of the law, and successfully secured the provision he needed. During this process, she felt the entire range of emotions eventually moving from despondent to empowered. 

Despite there being a wealth of online information and support, sometimes what you really need is a conversation.   

Amanda helps parents and educators by sharing information on how best to support neurodiverse children, and, particularly for parents, how to secure the right support and provision for their children. Amanda works individually, with groups and through an online learning platform.   

She looks at life through the lens of process and finds it instinctive to cut through the chaos and find step by step methodologies that are easy to follow, and which help those involved to surmount challenges and achieve. 

A former software developer, and school governor for 9 years, she is blessed with two spirited neurodiverse boys and an equally process-orientated and neurodiverse husband. 

Amanda’s interests include companies that make stuff, education, special educational needs, change and constant learning. 

Contact Amanda: 

Twitter@amandasokell @SENlightended_ @navigatingND


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