NEW – Summer Term Live Monthly Expert Training Sessions

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For the Summer Term we have 3 more LIVE training sessions planned to cover the latest hot topics in SEND for your whole school.

Time and budgets are being squeezed even tighter, which is why we’ve made each 1 hour session just £10! 

This school year, we’ve decided to release our training sessions throughout the year in small, bite sized sessions. Training for Education will be launching 2 new SEND training session per month. Our training is delivered by SEND experts, with extensive experience. Each of our speakers will deliver a LIVE training session and record an additional session with us – so that’s 2 new training sessions released each month!

The sessions are ideal for CPD, reasonably priced and easily available from our online shop.

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SUMMER live training sessions

16 May

Michael Surr

Education Officer, nasen


Understanding and using Assistive Technology


Education officer at nasen, Michael has had a keen interest in SEN, ICT and equalities issues since beginning his career in education. His background is in Primary, where he’s been a class teacher, SENCo and Deputy Head. Working for a Local Authority, in the leadership team of a SEND advisory service, broadened his experience into Early Years and Secondary, where he helped to develop their provision for children and young people with SEN.

find out more

13 June

Liz Murray

National SEND Lead Star Academies


Meeting needs through Adaptive Teaching in the mainstream classroom


Liz is the national SEND Lead for Star Academies, a large multi-academy trust comprised of 32 primary and secondary schools. She is responsible for leading the SEND strategy and supporting SEND school improvement across all Star schools. Originally an English teacher, Liz is committed to supporting leaders and teachers to reduce barriers to learning for all pupils to enable them to thrive.

find out more

14 July

Abigail Hawkins



Kickstart the school year with flair: SENCO guide to a sensational beginning


Abigail is a passionate and seasoned SENCO with over 25 years of experience. She is the dynamic force behind SENDCOSolutions and SENsible SENCO CIC. Through her SEN consultancy and not-for-profit networking support group, she champions inclusive education and offers invaluable support to educators and schools across the spectrum. 

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3 training sessions £25!

Save £5 when you buy any ‘3 for £25’ sessions. Use discount code 3for£25 when you check out



Get ALL 3 Autumn training sessions for just £25!

Think they all sound great? Buy all 3 and save £5! Get our 3 Summer training sessions from Michael, Liz and Abigail for just £25!

Ask SEND Experts your questions


After each live training session, our expert speakers answer your pressing questions. Just type away in the chat and we’ll get your questions answered!


You can still register to watch the recording of Lorraine Petersen’s recent session on the SENDAP Plan and what it means for children, SENCOs and schools.

Sign up now