3 CPD presentations focusing on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) for just £25!
These presentations will help you to understand the impact ASD has on a child’s learning,
so you can create teaching environments that allow pupils with autism to thrive and achieve their potential.
Masking: what are we missing, and how can this behaviour impact communication between school and home?
Lana Grant – Autism Specialist and Author
How can we help if we don’t know what we’re looking for? Lana identifies the meaning of the term ‘masking’ and how common it is. She identifies when and why an adult or child may be masking, highlights the power of working with parents/caregivers, and provides support strategies. Lana is autistic and she’s the parent of an autistic child. She has worked within the field of autism for 20 years supporting and educating autistic young people from 3 years into adulthood.
Positive experiences and approaches with autistic girls in school and community group settings
Jo Dilworth – CEO, APPEER Community Interest Company & Zara Wright – Strategic Lead for SEND, Weydon Multi Academy Trust
Jo and Zara highlight real life experiences of autistic girls and teens and explain why a positive approach is so important. Jo gives an overview of Appeer’s positive peer-based approach to support autistic girls in the community to connect, share interests and understand and support themselves. Zara shares examples of positive effective practice she uses in schools.
Neurodiversity ‘traits’ for children and adolescents – challenges and opportunities
Fintan O’Regan – Behaviour and Learning Trainer and Consultant, Sf30 Ltd
Fintan focuses on understanding and celebrating differences and not deficits within neurodiversity. He demystifies the terms ASD, ADHD, BD, CD, Dyslexia, DCD and ODD. Concentrating on traits and not labels, he explains how to support and nurture the differences that non traditional learners present within learning behaviour and socialisation.
These training videos for teachers will help you to identify masking, understand the impact of a positive approach and nurture the differences that non traditional learners present to ensure the best outcomes for your pupils with Autism.
These sessions were originally presented at one of our online Virtual SEND Conferences.
About Lana Grant
Specialist advisor and advocate for people with autism and their families, Lana has worked within the field of autism for nearly twenty years.
She has a diagnosis of Asperger syndrome which she received in her late 30’s. She is also a parent of children on the autism spectrum and experienced in supporting and educating autistic young people from three years old into adulthood.
Watch a snippet from Jo Dilworth’s presentation…
“I just thought I was a rather awkward, substandard female. Now I know that on the contrary, I am a superbly autistic person.”
What a turnaround! That’s what positive experiences and approaches can do for an autistic girl.
There are so many positives to being autistic! Decisive, creative, amazing attention to detail, strong sense of justice, logical approach and the ability to learn vast amounts of information. These are just some of the positive traits identified by autistic girls attending the Appeer Community Interest Company. Founder Jo Dilworth says, “We need to celebrate these qualities and it’s really important to share this message with autistic young people!”
Teachers loved Fintan O’Regan’s Neurodiversity Traits presentation at the Virtual SEND Conference
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A great way for schools to access high quality CPD from SEND experts brought to you by The SENDcast. With some of the same great guests featured on our weekly podcast, delivering focused 1-hour online training sessions on a wide range of SEND topics. SENDcast Sessions provide schools with in depth content that can be accessed forever. Build a library of online CPD that your school can continue to use in the future – with over 90 training sessions already available on our website!
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The SENDcast is powered by B Squared. We have been involved with Special Educational Needs for over 25 years, helping show the small steps of progress pupils with SEND make. B Squared has worked with thousands of schools, we understand the challenges professionals working in SEND face. We wanted a way to support these hardworking professionals – which is why we launched The SENDcast! Click the button below to find out more about how B Squared can help improve assessment for pupils with SEND in your school.
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